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iSecurity Authority On Demand Release News

Version 7.04 (August 2024)

  • The release number was updated due to changes in MFA and PR functionalities.

Version 7.01 (April 2024)

  • Release number updated; requires new license code.

Version 6.31 (November 2023)

New Features

  • Operators can now be added from users with all authorities for all modules without the need for special authorities.


  • Problem while adding new operators was fixed.
  • Requester user profile kept the private authority over a profile after the authority was released.

Version 6.29 (September 2023)

  • Changes to a common library, which affect Multi-Factor Authentication but not Authority on Demand.

Version 6.27 (January 2023)

New Features

  • MFA – Multi system Self Enrollment 

Version 6.25 (November 2022)

New Features

  • SAVF with all PTFs x manual installation.

Version 6.23 (August 2022)

New Features

  • MFA – Multi system module to AOD library.


  • AOD end of session jobs were ending abnormally (ODATEND) & emails were delayed.
  • Device PRT99 had been limited to 100,000 records.

Version 6.03 (December 2021)

New Features

  • Function that activates command level auditing (*CMD) on the user profile at GETAOD and back at the RLSAOD.
  • Uses column in the STRAOD > 1 (left of rule) and an enhanced Left Uses column.
  • AOD + OTP Send Approval by EMail/SMS


  • User had been signed off when entering the pin code received by email.
  • DSPAODACT had shown session jobs that had already ended as *ACTIVE*.
  • ODE1080 GETAOD had been rejected because of invalid PIN code. ODE1081 PIN code was not entered. Now we repeat GETAOD.

Version 6.02 (July 2021)


  • Improved performance of internal queries.

Version 6.01 (December 2020)

New Features

  • When GETAOD is entered without the provider (with the default PRVD(*SELECT)) a screen opens to enable selection of Provider, entering description and related information.
  • Approval by an administrator at real time –
    • “To be approved by …. UsrPrf/GrpPrf, *SECADM, *AOD-ADMIN”.
  • GETAOD Requests is “Pending Your Approval”
  • Enable administrator to approve in real time a GETAOD request
  • Use MFA beside or in addition to Pin code, when GETAOD is requested.
    • MFA Verification methods are: 1=Cell, 2=Email, 3=Cell+Email (Half & Half)
    • This method is similar to the one in our MFA product (Person, mail, cell…), but does not require a license for it.
  • New “authority” type: 4=Trace (Only. Without changing authority) GETAOD PRVDR(*TRACE) is an alternative
  • Template of Reason for GETAOD now supports *number* in addition to *text*