iSecurity Orchestrator
The New iSecurity Orchestrator makes automation and orchestration tasks easier for your iSecurity Products on the AIX Servers.
As a first step, it manages several AIX servers at once, and entirely the AV module for AIX.
You can manage all the operations from a simple Web Interface.

Key Features
Our orchestration web-based product ensures you can do all the task of iSecurity Antivirus for AIX from a single place.
- Install AV on New Partitions.
- Scan On-Access, On-Demand and Only-New.
- Update database from ClamAV and Raz-Lee.
- Database updater with support for digital signatures.
- Review History Log for review and analysis.
- etc.
iSecurity Orchestrator is actually linked with AV and you can use it as the web interface for a single Server when you purchase iSecurity Antivirus for AIX.
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