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iSecurity Password Reset Release News

  • IMPROVED: Error handling in the web application, which could cause the web server to stick. 
  • Release number updated; requires new license code.

  • NEW: Local users data can be copied from Excel.

  • IMPROVED: The web application, including starting the internet browser.

  • Fixed: a problem while adding new operators was fixed
  • Added: Operators can now be added from users with all authorities for all modules without the need for special authorities.
  • Fixed: an issue where the questions and answers were not deleted after removing the person using the new command MNTPRUSR.
  • Fixed: an issue where Password Reset Web was partially not working to reset/renew the password
  • Changes to a common library, which affect Multi-Factor Authentication but not Password Reset.
  • Added: MFA Multi system Self Enrollment implemented
  • Fixed: Web handling of VARYON devices
  • Added: Support of email addresses longer than one line.
  • Added: Numbers are now allowed in  the Family and First Name field of Person attributes.
  • Added: A command to maintain Person/Users
  • Added: SAVF with all PTFs x manual installation.
  • Fixed: Users had been forced to enroll again each time the SMZO/CHGPRINF command was executed
  • Added: MFA Multi system support was implemented
  • Added: Password length follow the system values QPWDRULES *MINLENnnn and *MAXLENnnn
  • Added: If Capture is installed, Password Reset includes MFA/AOD code control

Manual updated.

  • In STRPSWRST>11 – P‐R Classes, there are textual modifications.
  • For enhanced security, verification code now allows splitting the message into two: Verification method...0 0=None,1=Once,2=Split(Email+Cell) If 2=Split option is selected, half of the code is sent by mail and the other half by cellular text message.
  • New command (CHGPRINF) enables end‐users to enter their personal attributes and private questions and replaces the previous CHGPRQST command. The new command can also be used for updating existing personal attributes.
  • In option 81>51 a new parameter was added: Allow self entry of ID info . . A Q=Questions, A=All(Pers.+Quest.), N=No
  • In STRPSWRST>1 – Work with Persons, following the selecting of 7=Questions, press the F5=Display/Hide key to Show/Hide the Answer.
  • In STRPSWRST>64 – Copy HR Data to Persons File, *clear = the Password Reset disposable user files are cleared.
  • Personal Questions can now appear in random sequence for added security. Two random sequence questions are displayed, and then when implementing password reset an additional random question is displayed.
  • Password Reset random questions were added and additional updates are described in Password Reset section.