iSecurity Capture
iSecurity Capture complements journals and reports with a visual audit trail of user activity.
Capture shows exactly what users are doing and when they are doing it! Screen capture sessions are initiated as required and are retrievable using an intuitive process featuring flexible scrolling and a powerful free-text search engine for locating the captured data screens and logs.
Key Features
Capture is a green-screen tracking solution that automatically captures and saves user activity as displayed on System i (AS/400) screens.
Within each screen capture session, you can scroll through the screens sequentially or you can use the moveable Capture Menu to jump directly to a particular screen or search for screens containing a specific text string.
The Capture Menu also provides commands for displaying the job log and the Audit log entries related to the particular screen and capture session.
You can even access the DSPJOB command and print the screen directly from the Capture Menu.
Capture works both as a stand-alone product and also as a module fully integrated into the iSecurity Suite.
Capture’s invaluable tracing capabilities allow organizations to conform with compliance requirements that apply to industries such as banking, insurance, health care, and defense.
- Runs either in “silent-mode” or as a deterrent known to possible offenders
- Automatically triggers screen capturing according to a variety of pre-defined rules
- Searches screens for suspicious content using a powerful text search capability
- Saves hours of tedious work and costly phone calls in the event of an application-related problem
- Retrieves captured user screens easily via a user-friendly display
- Reduces operational risk and fraud
Based on Clients Experience

Business Vertical: Finance & Banking.
Need: Compliance Cyber Security Regulations for Financial Entities.
“Being able to audit in real time is a great advantage, as every system in the company is secured and we have a global vision of our Cyber security.
with this product we can go even further, having a complete Tracing of events in the IBM i servers, as such we can make auditing process faster.”
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